Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thank You Pizazz It! Scrapbooks

A major THANK YOU goes out to Pizazz It! Scrapbooks in Pickerington, Ohio!! I was allowed to purchase a $100 gift card to Pizazz It! Scrapbooks which will be raffled off at $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets. This raffle will continue on for two months (until September) and 100% of the proceeds will go toward the purchase of school supplies and hopefully sponsoring at least one child in The Gambia (hopefully more!) to go to school for an entire year! See their website (blog tab, News2know) for more details

**Gambia School Facts**
The cost of a child to go to school in The Gambia for a year is only approx. $125 per child which may not sound like much to an American like myself but in The Gambia only the “rich” can afford to send their child to school. The Gambia has a new law called the Education Policy which allows females to attend school free of charge until ninth grade. Males on the other hand still have to pay to attend first through ninth grade. Females must pay to attend tenth through twelfth grade, which unfortunately tends to keep them from going to school past ninth grade. Before the Education Policy less than 40% of children in The Gambia attended school. While the new legislation policy has pushed progress forward significantly and is improving with attendance, the lack of school supplies is still severely hindering the education process. However, we are here to help that seda seda (slowly, slowly as they say in Pulaar).
Thanks again to Pizazz It! Scrapbooks and to those who are supporting the cause by purchasing raffle tickets! I sure hope YOU win the $100 gift card!

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